YÖKAK Accreditation Commission

Prof. Dr. Sibel HOŞTUT | Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Prof. Dr. Merih TAŞKAYA | Department of Advertising

Prof. Dr. Gülseren ŞENDUR ATABEK | Department of Radio-Television and Cinema

Prof. Dr. Sibel KARADUMAN | Department of Radio-Television and Cinema

Assoc. Dr. Yeşim ÇELİK | Department of Advertising

Assoc. Dr. Bahar URHAN | Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Assoc. Dr. Zuhal GÖK DEMİR | Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Assoc. Dr. Emel ARIK | Department of Journalism

Assoc. Dr. Tuba LIVBERBER | Department of Journalism

Dr. Lecturer Member Onur ÖKSÜZ | Department of Journalism

Lecturer See. Banu KARADEMİR ARUN | Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Lecturer See. Ayşen YALMAN | Department of Public Relations and Publicity

Eklenme tarihi :19.02.2024 17:27:51
Son güncelleme : 28.03.2024 12:54:12