Graduation Information System

Dear Graduates;

Alumni Information System ( is a social platform created for graduates to continue their communication with each other after graduation.

By registering to this platform, our graduates can be informed about the events held by the Akdeniz University and other privileges it provides. All job postings coming to the University Career Center through the AU Alumni Information System and all events related to graduates will be shared with our graduates.

With this communication platform, which will develop with your support, you can participate in the Alumni Satisfaction Survey, which will be active in the near future, and communicate with the management team and other graduates.

Please enter:

Your username: Your TR ID Number

Password: The first 5 digits of your TR ID Number.

You can update your information by logging into this system at regular intervals.

Click below to get information about the Alumni Representation Program carried out by the University Career Center.



Dear Students and Graduates;

T.R. Have you applied for a job at the "Talent Gate" created by the Presidential Human Resources Office?

After registering at, where you can access the most suitable job postings, you can apply for existing job postings and be informed about the job postings that best suit your profile.

We invite all our students and graduates to become members of the Talent Gate. To become a member; TalentDoor,

Eklenme tarihi :28.02.2024 12:28:08
Son güncelleme : 13.03.2024 22:33:51